Why Fair Screen?

5 BIG Reasons That Make the Difference

Built Around Fairness

Background checks have the possibility of leading to disparate impact against several protected classes.

Most screening firms deliver accurate information but fall short on controls to prevent this potential for discrimination. Fair Screen’s mission is to change all that. Our team of industry experts have devised a better way to complete your background checks. Our approach will reduce the potential for bias and help automate several time-consuming steps. It also ensures an adequate level of documentation and consistency.

Automated Relevancy Scoring

Uncovered criminal records can be reviewed and scored to determine relevancy to the position being filled.

Automated Adverse Action Fulfillment

If the records are deemed relevant based on your guidelines, we can automatically send the required FCRA notice(s) on your behalf.

Individualized Assessment Fulfillment

Our team can engage the applicant to gather additional facts about the applicant and any records found consistent with the EEOC’s 2012 guidance. These additional facts provided by the applicant will be presented to the employer to make a final hiring decision.

 Decision Workflow

Many employers have a process to escalate final decisions to a senior leader(s) or a committee. Fair Screen can adhere to this escalation workflow.

Social Responsibility

Having meaningful controls in place and good communication shows applicants you are serious about reducing discrimination in the workplace. Be an employer of choice and screen fairly.

Fast / Accurate Results

Fair Screen delivers a better balance of AI with skilled humans.

 Our technology casts a wide net scouring thousands of electronic data sources and appropriate manual data repositories for possible records, and then our team of highly skilled human researchers confirm matches. The result is a fast and accurate result you can trust.

Reduced Time to Hire

  • Several services are instant, and we are proud of industry-leading TAT for core services like criminal and verifications.
  • Criminal average 24-36 hours
  • Verifications average under 48 hours

Team Expertise

  • Leadership team has over 75 years of combined expertise with criminal records and fairness.
  • PBSA / FCRA Basic & Advanced Certification

Global Reach

  • We can provide most services anywhere in the world.


With an industry-leading uptime percentage of more than 99%, Fair Screen customers can rely on consistent access to our user-friendly technology platform 24/7/365.

In addition, we are proud to deliver more flexibility and customization than the competition.

A+ Candidate Experience

Fair Screen takes candidate experience to the next level!

We constantly put ourselves in your applicant’s shoes. We have sought applicant feedback on our processes, communication methods, and applicant input even played a key role in the development of our web ordering platform. The result is an industry-leading applicant experience.

Single Source Partner

With over 100 items on the menu, we can be your one-stop shop for screening employees.

That’s fewer vendors to have to manage, and LESS processing steps for your recruiting team AND your applicants.