Criminal searches are the cornerstone of most pre-employment background checks, but…

While they can be a very effective tool at keeping workplaces safer, and for protecting the physical and intellectual property of a business, employers also need to be careful when using criminal records because research shows there is a high potential for disparate impact against minorities. Numerous studies show African American, Latinos, and Native Americans are arrested and incarcerated at a significantly higher than their Caucasian counterparts.

It is imperative that employers develop a process to fairly evaluate criminal records in relation to the position they are being hired for. That’s where Fair Screen comes in! Our relevance scoring helps employers ensure that applicants are only excluded when the employer can demonstrate that it is justified by business necessity. Our approach reduces the time to hire, delivers consistency, and can automatically trigger key steps like adverse action fulfillment and the EEOC recommended Individualized Assessment process. Talk to our experts to learn more.

Fair Screen can apply our scoring approach to these common criminal search components:

County Criminal Searches

Most felony and misdemeanor cases are heard within the state court systems across more than 3,200+ counties (or county equivalents) in the United States. Fair Screen can quickly deliver accurate results to help you make informed decisions fast.

Statewide Repository Searches

Many states offer employer access to statewide repositories. When available these are typically maintained by the state’s central court administrator, or the state’s highest law enforcement arm such as the State Police.

Federal Courts

The federal court system has 94 district trial courts around the country, typically 2 per state.

Fast Criminal Background Checks International Criminal​

International Criminal

Fair Screen is a global provider that can perform accurate criminal research in nearly 200 foreign countries.  These sources include court systems and international law enforcement agencies.


Fair Screen can help clients with fingerprinting requirements as part of their overall background checks.

National Criminal Databases

Our national criminal database contains over 1 Billion records and is derived from over a thousand data sources. These includes Administrative Office of the Courts in many states (AOC), data from individual state courts houses, and many Departments of Corrections around the country. We use databases only to identify possible records, and then our team confirms current accuracy with the source.

Nationwide Sex Offender Registry

We offer sex offender searches in all states, US territories and several Indian reservations.